Monday, March 26, 2018

New NBER Working Paper: U.S. Employment and Opioids: Is There a Connection?

From a new NBER Working Paper "U.S. Employment and Opioids: Is There a Connection?" by Janet Currie, Jonas Y. Jin and Molly Schnell.


This paper uses quarterly county-level data to examine the relationship between opioid prescription rates and employment-to-population ratios from 2006-2014.  We first estimate models of the effect of opioid prescription rates on employment-to-population ratios, instrumenting opioid prescriptions for younger ages using opioid prescriptions to the elderly.  We also estimate models of the effect of employment-to-population ratios on opioid prescription rates using a shift-share instrument.  We find that the estimated effect of opioids on employment-to-population ratios is positive but small for women, but there is no relationship for men.  These findings suggest that although they are addictive and dangerous, opioids may allow some women to work who would otherwise leave the labor force.  When we examine the effect of employment-to-population ratios on opioid prescriptions, our results are more ambiguous.  Overall, our findings suggest that there is no simple causal relationship between economic conditions and the abuse of opioids.  Therefore, while improving economic conditions in depressed areas is desirable for many reasons, it is unlikely to curb the opioid epidemic.

The working paper is available here, (gated).

