Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The latest Beige Book: Most firms retain positive outlook in New England

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston contribution to the latest Beige Book
Business activity expanded modestly in the First District as 2017 came to a close. Most contacted retailers, manufacturers, and software and information technology (IT) services firms saw revenues increase, although a minority reported flat to slight declines in revenues or sales from a year earlier. Among responding retailers, online sales performed better than in-store sales. Revenue increases among software and IT services firms were strong, ranging from 10 percent to 20 percent year over year. Commercial and residential real estate markets continued much as in the last report, with commercial rents and residential prices increasing in general, while sales were mixed. Labor markets continued to be tight and difficulty in hiring workers has constrained expansion for some firms. Few contacts mentioned price changes. Most responding firms in the region retained a positive outlook for their business.

